Samatvam is a health and wellness clinic with an emphasis on regaining good health and attaining wellbeing.

We cater to individuals prone to or suffering from lifestyle disorders, mental dysfunctions, and psychosomatic diseases. Our focus is on prevention, cure, rehabilitation, and prevention of relapse. Our treatments are rooted in Naturopathy, Yoga Therapy, Acupuncture, and Mindfulness. The treatments are designed based on individual needs, keeping in mind risk factors like genetic preponderance, lifestyle, constitution, and mental makeup. Our therapeutic practices are backed up with scientific evidence and clinical experience. They are conducted by qualified health professionals under the guidance of Dr. Trishna Devarajan, a licensed medical practitioner with more than 17 years of clinical experience in India and abroad.

As we understand, the need of the hour is to embrace a holistic way of addressing health challenges for sustained good health and well-being. And this means to manage them in the most natural way by attending to physical, mental, social, and spiritual aspects of health and illness. Treatments and therapies at ‘Samatvam’ are planned after a thorough evaluation of the client’s both mental and physical health to understand the root cause of the disease. And customized protocols are designed thus to encourage ‘healing from within’

Thank you for choosing Samatvam for your wellness needs!


To provide the best possible prevention and treatment of diseases through natural and holistic interventions focusing on mind, body and soul, thereby enabling complete integration of the person and make it an integral part of mainstream health care.


To educate and emphasize on lifestyle interventions needed to correct imbalances in the body, mind and soul and enable individuals to achieve a complete harmony not only with oneself but also with the whole universe, thus helping them realize their true potential and purpose of existence. In short, provide necessary tools and guidance to connect with one’s own true self.

Personal Profile

Dr. Trishna Devarajan

Dr. Trishna Devarajan, Naturopathy and Yoga physician currently residing at Thiruvananthapuram. Being in clinical and academic practice for the last 17 years she has been very fortunate to apply her healing skills to a multitude of cases from simple indigestion to Parkinson’s, from obesity to anxiety and depression. Having applied these principles even in her own life during episodes of arthritis.

From her medical and philosophical training and personal experience, she emphasizes that ‘disconnect with oneself is the true cause of disease’ and has noticed that most of the drug-based interventions ameliorate the symptoms, help in controlling the disease process but never focus on reconnecting with our true nature which is the true purpose of healing.

Immediately after schooling a life-changing experience at Zen meditation workshop inspired her to explore more about Yoga and Sri Sri’s Basic and Advanced course gave her the impetus. To choose Yoga as her career. Through divine coincidence, being connected with someone who knew about BNYS offered by RGUHS was just the beginning of the wonderful journey of learning the art and science of healing. Even before CET rank was out ( despite having a good rank ) she joined Naturopathy College for 5 1/2 year medical graduation. The right blend of Anatomy, Physiology, Obstetrics, etc with Eastern wisdom of Yoga, Naturopathy, and Acupuncture in the course was indeed the perfect skill that was required for the healer in her to emerge. The rest as they say is history!

  • My academic credentials include Bachelor of Naturopathy and Yogic Sciences (BNYS) from Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences (RGUHS Bangalore)
  • Doctor of Medicine in Acupuncture (OIUCM), Master of Arts in Psychology ( IGNOU)
  • Master of Science in Yoga therapy (SVYASA, Bangalore)
  • Certificate in Prenatal, Postnatal and Preconception Care – Garbhasanskar and Beejasanskar ( NIA, Jaipur)
  • Certificate in Ayurveda and Kerala Therapies ( KAPL)
  • Reiki 1st and 2nd degree.


  • Health and wellness education
  • Counselling

  • Mindfulness

  • Yoga based interventions

  • Clinical Acupuncture
  • Diet and Nutrition therapy


  • Tai chi

  • Fasting therapy

  • Hydrotherapy
  • Chromotherapy
  • Manipulative therapies

  • Yoga Training